Zone Constructions
The old London Chambers is a fine example of the Federation Free Classical style that has been given a level of distinction due to the expressive use of brick and stone throughout its facades and that has retained a substantial amount of original external fabric. Zone elected to design and construct various alternate solutions for joinery and services to accommodate the heritage aspect of the building and not impede or obstruct any views from seated areas. It is one of two imposing purpose designed banking buildings that were constructed around 1911-1912 in this part of Oxford Street, the other being the former Union Bank of Australia at 21 Oxford Street. Zone opted to provide locally sourced and custom made furniture to reduce the long lead time possibility and also match the lavish 1920s style of the fit out. Zone were intrigued with the structure of the building and the original form of construction. Imposing three/four storey Federation Free Classical style building situated on a prominent wedge shaped site with a steep fall. The two upper levels are constructed of face brick and are regulated by alternating pilasters and bays of single windows. Decorative sandstone trimmings including window architraves and pilaster bases and capitals contrast with the brickwork. The pilasters support a simple horizontal moulding above which rises a wide band of plain stone capped by a denticulated cornice. It was realised during the start-up phases of the project that the Structural Steel component of the mezzanine was designed incorrectly by the client’s engineer. Zone elected to engage our own engineer to problem solve and re-engineer the structure to accommodate and in turn save the client time and money with the construction
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